Our Mission - it’s what drives us.

To catalyze community and enhance the lives of our clients & athletes through rehabilitation and exercise.

Invictus means ‘unconquered’ or ‘undefeated’ in Latin. 

Often, society and traditional healthcare set limits and have low expectations for people with disabilities and chronic conditions and people who are injured and in pain.

At Invictus Physical Therapy & Adaptive Training LLC, we aim to equip our patients, clients, and athletes with the tools to be unconquerable, regardless of what life throws at them. 

We work with all types of patients and athletes of all ages, but our specialty is working with people who have physical and intellectual disabilities and adaptive athletes. According to the CDC, individuals with disabilities are more likely than their able-bodied peers to be inactive, have high blood pressure, smoke, and have obesity. We are on a mission to change that by improving the individual experience of care and offering services that will improve overall population health through exercise and exceptional rehabilitation services.

Our goal is to help our people - our patients, clients, athletes, and their families - exceed societal expectations, set their own bar for recovery higher, and take control of their lives. If we can help change society’s perception of disability along the way, even better. Our physical therapy, fitness, and performance services will be compassionate, person and family centered, based on evidence, and improve your functional mobility and performance - all while having fun and enjoying the process.